
Maria Veronica Lopez

Maria Veronica Lopez

Instituto Leloir-CONICET, Argentina

Biography :

Maria Verónica Lopez is a researcher at the Leloir Institute- CONICET in Argentina. She holds degrees in Biochemistry (1995) and Chemistry (1996) from the National University of La Plata, and completed her medical degree at the University of Buenos Aires (2012 -2016). Verónica earned her PhD from the National University of La Plata (1997-2001) and completed postdoctoral research (2002-2005) at the Leloir Institute under the mentorship of Dr. Podhajcer, as well as at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Dr. David Curiel's laboratory, with support from a CONICET fellowship. For over 23 years, Verónica has focused on cancer gene therapy, specializing in oncolytic adenoviruses and CAR-T cell therapies.
